
online forums are so much fun! (^.^)v

This is weird, I'm posting two proper entries on consecutive days! Maybe I'm getting back into the writing mood again.

Recently I've joined the online forum Ayumi Hamasaki Sekai (shall refer to it as AHS because I'm not exactly a very quick typer)after having heard quite a bit of Ayu's music. Okay fine, so her entire discography isn't really A BIT, but that's beside the point isn't it?

And I have to say, this forum has to be the best online forum ever! The members are really friendly, and I've made so many friends from all over the world. Plus, we talk about everything under the sun, and we do mean everything. One of the most memorable topics we had was about leaving the toilet cover down for ladies after use, which eventually developed into a downright dirty thread about um, poo.

So, to all my friends at AHS (you guys know who you are, and if you visited this page leave a comment yes? Notice the amount of "0 comments" I have on previous posts...(T.T) ), here's to many more fun-filled years of chatting ahead of us! Who knows, maybe we could organise a trip to watch Ayu's 50th single concert together or something. Though I'm still not sure who's going to want to organise it.

On a side note, I cleaned my toilet today. With a clean bathroom to use now, I'm a very happy person. (*^.^*) Though I still won't spend tonight sleeping in there.

Well, it's back to work again tommorrow, so I guess I have to hit the sack soon. Even though I know for sure I'm going to doze off in the afternoon anyway. =(


Anonymous said...

"kaypoh" is such a Malaysian word. Muahaha, yes AHS is good.. xD

benny said...

I thought you were going to type AHS is god.

Anonymous said...

i love clean toilets! \(^u^)/