
new colleague

A new colleague joined us for work in the afternoon yesterday, fresh out of BMTC. His name's Bennett, and he's been assigned to be our commander's next personal assistant (PA). So now he's had 3 PAs (my predecessor was also called Ben) with the same name, and he hasn't had to call for anyone else for almost 2 years now. 0_0

Oh, and this new Ben doesn't leave until 2008. I'm worried that our dear commander will make it a prerequisite for his PAs to be named Ben.

Anyway, with the arrival of Ben, it meant that I had to start another round of self-introduction. God knows how bad I am at those, I seem to have the knack of saying the weirdest things at the wrong time. But apparently I didn't scare him away, seeing that he's still quite okay about learning the ropes from me, and even going for breakfast together with another colleague.

Hopefully, he'll be able to learn fast, and I can then be relieved of this post and bum around in the office the entire day! (*^_^*)

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