
i <3 procrastinating! \(*^.^*)/

I'm supposed to have been diligently working on lyrics for the past week or so, but these few days I haven't gotten anything down at all! OTL Just when I need them most, the words seem to stop flowing out. Well, except when it comes to posting here apparently.

Okay fine, I can't hold it in any longer, I'm going to say that I've been lazy this time. I always try to make time to write something down, but after that I seem to have something else to do! Take today for example, I ended up cutting labels for some files at work the whole night. In fact, I'm not done with the whole pile of them, but I think you get my drift.

Maybe I'm just afraid that when I sit down to think about the lyrics, I get stuck again and end up tearing pieces of paper up instead of writing stuff. RAWR!!!

(Actually I just have a weird habit of tearing paper up I think. >.> <.<)

On another note, I finally went to see the doctor about the ingrown toenail. Thankfully this time it isn't very bad, and a special cream should do the trick. It still looks rather ugly though, and it still hurts when I walk for too long.

I'm so sorry Joanna, I promise I'll come up with something soon! (T.T)

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