
together forever...

Slipping slowly into the darkness,
But it's not fear that grips tightly over me.
That feeling seems so familiar,
Isn't that the warmth of your arms?
This isn't the end of it all,
But rather the start of an eternity...

With you.


together forever

Holding each other's hand,
We promised never to let go.
But when we need to use both of our own hands,
Has the time come for us to part?



It's not that we don't want to move forward,
But we have yet to get over the past.
The path ahead is filled with adventure,
But are we treasuring our memories too much?


almost forgot

About what? About this blog of course. Benny actually forgot to post last week! =P

But anyway, nothing much to rant about really. Had many random thoughts of course, but got lazy and forgot to post them in the end. Will try to do so in future so that the blog doesn't look so dormant I guess.

Other than that, Benny doesn't really have much to say. After all, I've never been a person of many words. =)


lazy sunday afternoon

So how was everybody's Lunar New Year? I hope you managed to receive plenty of money and have an exciting time. Benny's New Year wasn't too bad, but it wasn't that exciting either. You could call it a normal Lunar New Year I guess.

Actually, Benny doesn't have much to say, but I thought I'd just post something since I had nothing to do.

But I have a feeling life is going to get more exciting very soon! =)

Currently playing: ayumi hamasaki - HONEY