
polite but still...

Just came back from the doctor's to collect more medicine. Now I have more pills to pop, and some cough syrup/sleeping potion to go with it.

While I was paying up at the end, the cashier/prescriptionist muttered "thank you" to me as she handed me my change. Normally I wouldn't think much about it, but today my brain cells are working on overdrive! So it occurred to me that it seemed as if she was thanking me for falling sick, and I got kind of put off by that. I hurriedly went out of the clinic after I had collected all my medicine.

Of course, I know I was being too cynical again, and that she was just saying it out of couretousy. But still, it makes you think about how funny some of the things we do to be polite are. And that usually happens because we haven't thought things over properly yet.

So please think before you speak in future, or you might end up causing some misunderstandings and unhappiness!

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