

That's "kanashibari" for those who don't understand Japanese. The word literally means to be "tightly bound" or "tied down" and it's an old Japanese folk expression for what in English is called "sleep paralysis." It usually happens when the sleeper is either entering or coming out of REM sleep. (explanation courtesy of hikki.blogspot.com)

The other night (code for "I can't remember exactly which night it was") I got my latest experience with it. Think I was in some kind of dream/nightmare before I woke up, and felt unable to move. So I just lay paralysed on my bed for about a few minutes before finally being able to shift my head a little, to my great relief.

According to my friends, it's quite a terrifying experience, but now that I know what really causes it, I guess I'm not that scared anymore. So even though it means that I didn't manage to get any kind of decent sleep that night (think I got a bit grumpy the next day too, gomen ne...T_T), I still think of it as a rather interesting experience.

Looking at the time though, I really should try getting some sleep tomorrow (ah finally spelled that word correctly for the first time in years >.<"), don't want to be caught falling asleep by Matsumoto-san...

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