
thoughts on krakow

Didn't get off to the best of starts as I arrived at 11pm at night in near freezing cold (strange for May), but thankfully my stay in Krakow only got better from then on.

Krakow, like many of the other cities that I'm going to detail later, is a very beautiful city. Beautiful architecture, beautiful scenery, and of course beautiful people. Just sitting on a bench in the main town square taking in everything is very much a pleasant experience.

However, being very much the big city person that I am, Krakow does get a bit repetitive after a while, since it's a really compact town with everything pretty much within walking distance. Still, this gives the place a charm of its own.

I also enjoyed the food there very much. Pierogis are very addictive, very filling, and most importantly very cheap. I had them for lunch AND dinner one of the days I was there, it was that good.

Of course, for many people the highlight of a trip to Krakow would be a visit to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps complex. Personally, I was surprised that it wasn't as harrowing as I expected it to be, but still it was a powerful experience. Seeing all the buildings and exhibits really makes people think about how terrifying the Nazi regime was, and I saw more than a few people break down in tears along the way.

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