I probably won't do justice to Budapest in this review, as I'm sure many people have had a wonderful time here. However, I think I just got unlucky, getting a serious cold and being put up in a pretty cold and drab place (the hostel owner was really warm and caring though). To make matters worse, it rained the entire time I was there as well.
Although the locals will surely disagree, Budapest felt pretty similar to Prague with the same grand buildings and bridges. Even the layout seemed the same, with the main castle located across the river from the main town area. The city also operates extensively on a combination of the tram and metro systems.
However, there are some really important differences as well. Being closer to the Eastern European countries, there has been an influx of ideas and cultures from the East, which is very evident in the number of Muslim establishments in the city. However, the city is still very much European, and like mentioned has many of the architectural styles seen in other Central European cities.
There are a couple of places that did make Budapest a better experience though. The first was a visit to a bath/spring, which was thoroughly relaxing and enjoyable. After being in the cold rain for the best part of 2 days, the warm baths were definitely a welcome change.
The other place which I really found interesting was this place intimidatingly called House of Terror. It is actually a museum for Hungary's recent history, detailing life under the Nazi and then Soviet regimes. The exhibits were really well thought out, and is sure to leave visitors with a deep impression.
I think I'd probably have a better time in Budapest if I visited it again, it's sad I couldn't enjoy it as much as I could have.
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